【問題】Bikram Yoga?推薦回答


噓!動物會說話喔! 只要你用「心」仔細聽。 你會聽見一個又一個的奇蹟。 我是邦妮,從小在春天農場裡長大,成年後卻在紐約市、好萊塢生活。   我的祖父在一百多年前建了這座農場,他養的乳牛聞名全球。有一天我突發奇想,想回到農場裡,這次我不想養乳牛,而是幾匹馬、幾頭羊和幾隻貓。我看過幾部以馬為主角的電影,於是養馬成為我的夢想,只因那裡頭的場景壯麗、風景迷人;當然,最吸引我的還是:帥氣牛仔腿跨駿馬的...

作者:McCrary, Meagan

On the surface it may appear that yoga is yoga is yoga, but take a closer look and you'll discover myriad different yoga systems and lineages. There are dozens of yoga styles to choose from, and wh...

作者:Kirk, Martin/ Boon, Brooke

Experience the physical benefits and body awareness from hatha yoga--the most popular form of yoga today. Hatha Yoga Illustrated presents nearly 650 full-color photos to visually demonstrate 77 sta...

作者:Lorr, Benjamin

Author Benjamin Lorr wandered into a yoga studio--and fell down a rabbit holeHell-Bent explores a fascinating, often surreal world at the extremes of American yoga. Benjamin Lorr walked into his fi...

作者:Rockefeller, J. D.

The uses for essential oils are considerable. They can be used for medicine, for the home, for cleaning, for pets, and much more. Some can be consumed orally, while others are topical only. Some ar...

作者:Singleton, Mark

Yoga is so prevalent in the modern world--practiced by pop stars, taught in schools, and offered in yoga centers, health clubs, and even shopping malls--that we take its presence, and its meaning, ...

作者:Anderson, Joseph L.

In December 2004, Joseph Anderson left his North Carolina home and law practice for an extended trip to India to study yoga with Yogiraj Bikram Choudhury. He promised his recently widowed mother he...

作者:Media, Cynto Yoga

作者:Gilchrist, Amy

If you are currently practicing yoga or are just about to start practicing yoga then "Birkam Hot Yoga And Moksha Hot Yoga For Beginners" is an appropriate book for you. The author gives an overview...

作者:Rockefeller, J. D.

Popularly known as the hot yoga style, Bikram yoga has had its share of both accolades and controversies. But if you could just turn a blind eye towards all the controversies and just take a look a...

作者:Media, Cynto Yoga

作者:Jain, Andrea R.

Premodern and early modern yoga comprise techniques with a wide range of aims, from turning inward in quest of the true self, to turning outward for divine union, to channeling bodily energy in pur...

